Monday, May 2, 2011

Show Me Now!!

The musical My Fair Lady is story of a cocky man by the name of Professor Henry Higgins, who takes a bet with a visiting Professor  Colonel Pickering that he can transform  a common  dirty flower girl Eliza Doolittle into a refine lady of state, and even pass her off as a duchess at the embassy ball. Throughout the musical shows the success and failures of his with poor Eliza. Higgins ends up winning his bet passing Eliza off as a refine lady, but then takes all the credit of success. Angry and hurt she did not receive any recognition Eliza decides to leave Higgins. While running off in the middle of the night Eliza is greeted by Freddy her aristocrat admirer who pleads her to run away with him. Freddy begins to express his feelings towards her. Only to have Eliza lecture him that words are useless by themselves, in the song “Show Me”.
Show me
Speak and the world is full of singing,
And I'm winging Higher than the birds.
Touch and my heart begins to crumble,
The heaven's tumble, Darling, and I'm...
Eliza Words!
Words! Words! I'm so sick of words!
I get words all day through;
First from him, now from you! Is that all you blighters can do?
Don't talk of stars Burning above; If you're in love,
Show me! Tell me no dreams
Filled with desire. If you're on fire,
Show me! Here we are together in the middle of the night!
Don't talk of spring! Just hold me tight!
Anyone who's ever been in love'll tell you that
This is no time for a chat! Haven't your lips
Longed for my touch? Don't say how much,
Show me! Show me! Don't talk of love lasting through time.
Make me no undying vow. Show me now!
Sing me no song! Read me no rhyme!
Don't waste my time, Show me!
Don't talk of June, Don't talk of fall!
Don't talk at all! Show me!
Never do I ever want to hear another word.
There isn't one I haven't heard.
Here we are together in what ought to be a dream;
Say one more word and I'll scream!
Haven't your arms Hungered for mine?
Please don't "expl'ine," Show me! Show me!
Don't wait until wrinkles and lines
Pop out all over my brow,
Show me now!
Words alone without action are meaningless, most can agree on. Eliza expresses her frustration with words through the song “Show Me”. Freddy begins by saying to her, “Speak and the world is full of singing, and I'm winging higher than the birds. Touch and my heart begin to crumble, the heaven's tumble, Darling, and I'm...” He is immediately cut off of expressing how he feels when he is around her. Eliza begins to sing, “Words! Words! I'm so sick of words! I get words all day through; first from him, now from you! Is that all you blighters can do? Don't talk of stars burning above; If you're in love, Show me!” She goes on in the song informing Freddy if he truly loves her to stop talking about it and simply show her through actions. How often do words filled up our lives and yet action is nonexistent. When it comes to any relationship whether friendship, dating, or marriage it is crucial there needs to be a line of communication and action. One cannot express love, faith, trust for the other person if there is no action that reinforces it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Past the Point of No Return!!!

A musical that depicts the story the famous Paris Opera House in France during the year 1870. This opera house was known for its star performers, music, dance, and story line as well as its haunting ghost stories of an opera ghost known as the phantom. For this phantom is known for mysterious notes of creative suggestions, letters of payments, and the accusable deaths found within the opera house. The main character Christine Daae, a chorus girl who secretly receives anonymous voice lessons from she thinks is her deceased father’s angel. Christine is mistaken when she learns this person is not from her father but instead a masked musical genius that lives under the opera house due to his deformity. Sacred of the phantom’s obsessive claim over Christine, Raoul her fiancĂ© determines he shall step up a trap in hopes to rid Christine of this living nightmare. He follows the phantom’s instructions of a new opera, and allows Christine to play the role hoping it will lure him into the audience while guards surround the opera house. To everyone’s fears the phantom makes an appearance but not as an audience member but rather a character on stage. In the song “Past the point of no return”, the phantom tries to appeal to Christine through music, to leave him and explore a new life full of mystery.
Past the Point of No Return
You have come here
In pursuit of your deepest urge
In pursuit of that wish which till now
Has been silent

I have brought you
That our passions may fuse and merge
In your mind you've already succumbed to me, dropped all defenses
Completely succumbed to me
Now you are here with me
No second thoughts
You've decided

Past the point of no return
No backward glances
Our games of make-believe are at an end.

Past all thought of “if” or “when”
No use resisting
Abandon thought and let the dream descend

What raging FIRE shall flood the soul
What rich desire unlocks it's door
What sweet seduction lies before us?

Past the point of no return
The final threshold
What warm unspoken secrets
Will we learn
Beyond the point of no return?

CHRISTINE: You have brought me
To that moment when words run dry
To that moment when speech disappears
Into silence

I have come here,
Hardly knowing the reason why
In my mind I've already imagined
Our bodies entwining
Defenseless and silent,
Now I am here with you
No second thoughts
I've decided

Past the point of no return
No going back now
Our passion-play has now at last begun.

Past all thought of right or wrong
One final question
How long should we two wait before we're one?

When will the blood begin to race
The sleeping bud burst into bloom
When will the flames at last CONSUME us?

BOTH: Past the point of no return
The final threshold
The bridge is crossed
So stand and watch it burn
We've passed the point of no return.

PHANTOM:(soft and sort of saddened) Say you'll share with me
One love, one lifetime
Lead me, save me from my solitude

Say you want me
With you here
Beside you
Anywhere you go
Let me go too
Christine that's all I ask of…
(Christine tears the mask, showing his face to the audience)

As the phantom in trying to appeal to Christine he knows that when he sings she becomes paralyzed by his voice. He begins by saying “You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge. In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent”. He then states he knows she is defenseless against his voice, “In your mind you've already succumbed to me, dropped all defenses completely succumbed to me. Now you are here with me no second thoughts you’ve decided.” He goes on in his song telling her to come with him and to not look back. Having your dreams become a permit reality instead of a thought. “Past the point of no return no backward glances our game of make-believe are at an end. Past all thought of “if” or “when” no use resisting. Abandon thought and let the dream descend. What raging FIRE shall flood the soul what rich desire unlocks it's door, what sweet seduction lies before us? Christine after hears his offer responses back to him pretending as if she is interested “You have brought me to that moment when words run dry. To that moment when speech disappears into silence, silence. I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why…Defenseless and silent, now I am here with you no second thoughts I've decided, decided. Past the point of no return no going back now. Our passion-play has now at last begun. Past all thought of right or wrong…” We all struggle the emotion of fear, though there are times where the fear tempts us to act without thought. Giving into your desires and wishes at times can be fatal without any thought.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

There are Worse things I Could Do...

Grease the original high school musical so to speak. The story of two teenagers Sandy (a goody two shoes, Austrian transfer) and Danny ( a smooth talking bad boy who is the leader of the T-Birds)trying to break Rydell’s high school status quota and association of friends so that they can finally be together.  Like any high school there are the social clicks, in Grease there are two main clicks the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies. Both known for the bad reputations and association with each other. A member of the pink ladies Rizzo is the tough one of the group drawn to boys. After she skips a period she believes she might be possibly be pregnant. As she confides in her friend rumor gets around until it reaches Kenickie right hand man of Danny and the T-Bird crew. When he confronts Rizzo about helping her she bluffs him off, claiming he is not the father which is a lie. After that conversation she does her best to avoid Kenickie at all costs trying to hide her feelings towards him. After over hearing girls gossip about her reputation of being a bad girl, she begins to think about her situation as she sings “There Are Worse Things I Could Do.”
"There are worse things I could do
Than go with a boy or two
Even though the neighborhood
Thinks I'm trashy and no good
I suppose it could be true
But there are worse things I could do

I could flirt with all the guys
Smile at them and bat my eyes
Press against them when we dance
Make them think they stand a chance
Then refuse to see it through
That's a thing I'd never do

I could stay home every night
Wait around for mister right
Take cold showers everyday
And throw my life away
On a dream that won't come true

I could hurt someone like me
Out of spite or jealousy
I don't steal and I don't lie
But I can feel and I can cry
A fact I'll bet you never knew
But to cry in front of you
That's the worst thing I could do"
Rizzo scared of being pregnant begins to sing about her so called reputation of being a bad girl. She begins to say there are worse things she could do like flirt with boys and tease them or waste her life wishing for a perfect guy. Rizzo goes on to say “I could hurt someone like me out of spite or jealousy. I don’t steal and I don’t lie but I can cry. A fact I’ll bet you never knew, but to cry in front of you that’s the worst thing I could do.” These lines refer to breaking down with emotions in front of the one she loves Kenickie. How often do we hide the feelings from the ones we secretly love? So often we pretend we have no emotion and that nothing bothers us, but on the inside we are desperately hurting. Instead of expressing how we feel towards that person or situation we commit foolish acts. An example would be telling them we don’t care or that everything is ok.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Show Must Go On!!

Best aspect of musicals is singing along with your favorite songs. Only problem is if your not familiar with the musical you can’t sing along. The Moulin Rouge is a fantastic musical due to the fact it is devised of preexisting pop songs you already know. The story takes place in the year is 1899, Paris France. Where a young English poet by the name of Christian, comes to the city to create change in the Bohemian revolution. Christian gets mixed up with the famous night club known as the Moulin Rouge. There he falls in love with the star courtesan Satine. Sadly the two lovers have to keep their affections a secret due to the Duke being the new club owner having a possessive love for Satine. The two plans to runaway but the plans are scratched after Satine learns if she leaves the Duke, Christian will be murdered, and the Moulin Rouge will be shut down forever. Zidler the former owner informs Satine in order to have her love Christian she must break his heart and hers my telling him their love is no more. In the song “The Show Must go On”, explains the pain of being in a show.

The Show Must Go On
Zidler (spoken): The show must go on, Satine. We're creatures of the underworld. We can't afford to love.
Satine (sung): Today's a day...
Both (sung): When dreaming...
Satine (sung): Ends.

Zidler (spoken):
Another hero
Another mindless crime
Behind the curtain
In the pantomime
(sung): On and on
Does anybody know what we are living for?

Zidler and Chorus (sung):
Whatever happened
We leave it all to chance
Another heartache
Another failed romance
On and on
Does anybody know what we are living for?

Zidler (sung):
The show must go on
The show must go on

Zidler and Chorus (sung):
Outside the dawn is breaking on the stage
That holds our final destiny
The show must go on
The show must go on

Satine (sung crying):
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile
Still stays on

Zidler and Chorus (sung):
The show must go on
The show must go on

Satine (sung):
I'll top the bill
I'll earn the kill
I have to find the will
To carry on with the
On with the
On with the show

Zidler (spoken):
On with the show
On with the show

The show must go

The show must go on

          The song begins with Zidler speaking to Satine; he talks about the show must go on, referring not only to the production they were putting on but also life itself. How often at times many do not see what happens behind the scenes, as he states “Another hero, another mindless crime. Behind the curtain in the pantomime.” He then goes on “Whatever happened we leave it all to chance, heartache, and another failed romance. On and on does anybody know what we are living for?” Satine gets ready preparing herself to be able to lie to the man she loves she begins to cry as she sings “Inside my heart is breaking, my make-up may be flaking. But my smile, Still stays on…I'll top the bill, I’ll earn the kill, I have to find the will, to carry on with the, on with the, on with the show.” Have you ever had to lie to a person thinking it could save them? How about telling someone you don’t love them so they will break up with you and move on to something better. As flawed people we tend to make poor decisions with the best intentions in mind, which leads to complicated situations. Satine though it kills her inside to lie to Christian she does this so that the Duke will not kill him out of a jealous rage. Whether she is right or wrong for doing this is debatable. Never the less her intentions are good. We can all relate to facing difficult situations in our life but the point of the song is to do what you need to do and move on living your life. Despite the pain, and all the challenges ahead you must keep living your life and not allow trials to stop you.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Feed Me!!!

In the 1986 musical straight off of Broadway comes the story of “Little Shop of Horrors”. The story of a nerdy florist Seymour living in downtown on skid row in New York City. Tired of his life in the dumps of the city Seymour keeps himself busy with his hobby of rare and unusual plants. One day he finds a plant that catches his eye, after naming it Audrey II he begins to car for it. Sadly his plant’s health does not improve. Frustrated one day Seymour by accident cuts his finger and to his surprise his plant reacts to the blood. At first Seymour gives small amounts of blood to the plant in order for it to stay alive due to the business it attracts to the flower shop. After business it booming and Seymour becomes a local celebrity, he realizes how massive Audrey II is getting. One night Audrey II begins to talk to Seymour, demanding more blood than Seymour can give, while offering more fame and fortune in return. Audrey then tries to convince Seymour is only chance of happiness is murdering Orin after seeing him abuse his cruse and friend Audrey. In the song “Feed Me (Git It)”, deals with the conversation between plant and the florist.
 “Feed Me (Git It)”
Feed me! Feed me! Feed me!
Feed me, Seymour
Feed me all night long
That’s right, boy
You can do it
Feed me, Seymour
Feed me all night long
‘Cause if you feed me, Seymour
I can grow up big and strong

Would you like a Cadillac car?
Or a guest shot on Jack Paar?
How about a date with Hedy Lamarr?
You gonna git it.

Would you like to be a big wheel,
Dinin’ out for every meal?
I’m the plant that can make it all real
You gonna git it

I’m your genie, I’m your friend
I’m your willing slave
Take a chance, just feed me and
You know the kinda eats,
The kinda red hot treats
The kinda sticky licky sweets
I crave

Come on, Seymour, don’t be a putz
Trust me and your life will surely rival King Tut’s
Show a little ‘nitiative, work up the guts
And you’ll git it

I don’t know. I don’t know
I have so, so many strong reservations
Should I go and perform mutilations?

Think about a room at the Ritz
Wrapped in velvet, covered in glitz
A little nookie gonna clean up your zits
And you’ll git it

Gee I’d like a Harley machine,
Toolin’ around like I was James Dean,
Makin’ all the guys on the corner turn green

So go git it
If you wanna be profound
And you really gotta justify
Take a breath and look around
A lot of folks deserve to die

If you want a rationale
It isn’t very hard to see
Stop and think it over, pal
The guy sure looks like plant food to me.

He’s so nasty, treatin’ her rough,

Smackin’ her around and always talkin’ so tough.

You (I) need blood and he’s got more than enough

So go git it!
Have you ever wanted to change your life? To become someone famous instead of being another face in the crowd easily forgotten? To live in another place and have a fresh start at life? To have that one person notice you and realize you two were made for each other? To have a sense of respect and appreciation from those who know you? In the beginning of the musical Seymour longs for all of this, but he doesn’t know how to change his situation of being a geeky florist in the dumps of New York City.  When Audrey II brings in business to their poor flower shop Seymour is over joyed to the point he does not even think about what makes Audrey II run: human blood. He starts to become a local celebrity, but he does not have all he dreams for. One night alone in the shop Audrey begins to speak for the first time, demanding Seymour to feed him. Seymour shocked that is plant is talking points out he does not have enough blood to feed Audrey II. He insisted that Seymour must feed him fresh blood in order to survive. Seymour begins to think about the situation but Audrey begins to tempt Seymour with how he can help improve Seymour’s life. He promises him riches, fame, respect, and the girl of his dreams. This results in Seymour to commit murder. When you strive for change all of us tend to go down the wrong path in order to get it. For we all have those few friends that point out the desires of our heart by pointing us down the wrong direction.

Monday, March 14, 2011

“Sunrise Sunset”
The hit musical The Fiddler on the Roof is the story of a man named Tevye and his thoughts and feelings living in Anatevka in Tsarist Russia in 1905. He and his wife Golde and his five daughters struggle in finances due to being a poor farming family. Despite his circumstances Tevye manages to go on with his life and day dream at times. He keeps to the small Jewish community he is in avoiding his non Jewish neighbors. Tevye explains to the audience the Jews in Russia are as a fiddler on a roof: trying to scratch out a pleasant tune, while not breaking their necks. The fiddler appears throughout the film as a metaphoric reminder of the Jews' ever-present fears and danger. As the film progresses Tevye’s oldest daughter Tzeitel decides to marry her childhood sweetheart Motel the town’s tailor. In the song “Sunrise Sunset” tells how everyone attending feels about the marriage of Tzeitel and Motel. How fast they grew up from kids who used to play to current day. during the song Tevye wrestles with his little girl growing up as he and his wife and daughters sing.

Is this the little girl I carried?
Is this the little boy at play?

I don't remember growing older
When did they?

When did she get to be a beauty?
When did he grow to be so tall?

Wasn't it yesterday
When they were small?

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

What words of wisdom can I give them?
How can I help to ease their way?

Now they must learn from one another
Day by day

They look so natural together

Just like two newlyweds should be

(Perchik & Hodel)
Is there a canopy in store for me?

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

         It is hard to accept when the ones you love around you grow up, especially if you have known them since childhood. This is a hard adjustment at times that parents have to go through. It just goes to show that the years fly by faster than we realize. It is important that we should treasure the times we share with love ones now, before time slips by. Tevye realizes this concept of time when his daughter is getting married. Watching her say her vows he starts to sing “Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little boy at play? When did she get to be a beauty? When did he grow to be so tall? ” His wife jumps in with saying “I don't remember growing older when did they? Wasn't it yesterday when they were small?” Eventually all the men and women at the wedding join in the song by saying “Sunrise, sunset Sunrise, sunset. Swiftly flow the days. Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers blossoming even as we gaze. Sunrise, sunset Sunrise, sunset. Swiftly fly the years one season following another. Laden with happiness and tears.” Tevye and Golde as any other parent begins to think of what he can say to his daughter during this time of transition in the line “What words of wisdom can I give them? How can I help to ease their way? Now they must learn from one another day by day.” Any parent or older sibling can relate to this song of time passing by so quickly and accepting loves ones as they grew and adventure out alone before your very eyes.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Can't you hear me S.O.S.

The 2008 hit musical Mamma Mia! Is a refurbished musical based off the 1999’s successful pop group ABBA. The musical takes place on a Greek island called Kalokairi, where a 20-year-old bride-to-be Sophie (played by Amanda Seyfried) is preparing for her wedding. She gets a revelation after she finds her mom’s old diary that gives juicy details of whom her father might be. Not sure whether Bill, Sam, or Harry is her father she sends all three invitations to her wedding without telling her mother Donna (played by Meryl Streep). The musical is filled with Sophie and her bridesmaids trying to figure out the answer of who is the father, and trying to keep all three guys away from her mother, meanwhile Donna and her friends are trying to figure out why the three men are here. A twist appears when Donna realizes she still is in love after twenty years with her ex lover Sam. There is one particular scene where Sam accuses Donna for not stepping in to stop this wedding. During the conversation both realize they still love each other. Not saying all they need to say both try sending out S.O.S. signals to alert each other of their feelings. The song entitled “S.O.S” documents their conversation.
Where are those happy days?
They seem so hard to find
I try to reach for you
But you have closed your mind
Whatever happened to our love?
I wish I understood
It used to be so nice
It used to be so good
So when you're near me
Darling can't you hear me?
The love you gave me
Nothing else can save me
When you're gone
How can I even try to go on?
When you're gone
Though I try, how can I carry on?

You seem so far away
Though you are standing near
You made me feel alive
But something died I fear
I really tried to make it out
I wish I understood
What happened to our love
It used to be so good

So when you're near me
Darling can't you hear me
The love you gave me
Nothing else can save me
When you're gone
How can even I try to go on?
When you're gone
Though I try, how can I carry on?
So when you're near me
Darling can't you hear me
And the love you gave me
Nothing else can save me
When you're gone
How can I even try to go on?
When you're gone
Though I try, how can I carry on?
When you're gone
How can I even try to go on
Have you ever been in a situation that needed rescue? A prime example deals with a relationship that slowly dying due to lack of understanding and communication. Mamma Mia, tells the story of an old relationship needing rescue. Donna and Sam after being apart for twenty years, reunite only to realize they both have feelings for each other. In the song S.O.S. when looking at the lyrics Sam starts off trying to find the words to tell Donna his feelings towards her. He sings “They seem so hard to find. I try to reach for you, but you have closed your mind.Whatever happened to our love? I wish I understood, it used to be so nice, it used to be so good. So when you're near me, darling can't you hear me? S.O.S… When you're gone, how can I even try to go on? When you're gone, though I try, how can I carry on?” Donna answers “You seem so far away, though you are standing near. You made me feel alive, but something died I fear. I really tried to make it out, I wish I understood. What happened to our love, it used to be so good.” Sam and Donna are practically spilling their hearts to each other only problem is the other doesn’t hear it. Anyone who does not have great communications skills in their relationship will not last or be reunited.